Please note that direct contact information for Shiply transport providers is not and should not be exchanged prior to quote acceptance. If you need to communicate with a transport provider before wanting to accept their quote, please follow these steps:
1) Log in at:
2) Click the "View Quotes" button of your active delivery.
3) Click on the grey "View Messages" button for the transport provider you wish to ask a question.
4) The message section will display and you can type your question.
Once you have accepted a quote from a transport provider, direct contact information is exchanged.
The transport provider is urged to contact you first, so please, if the job is not urgent, do allow them some time to contact you.
If after a reasonable period of time since quote acceptance you have not heard from your chosen transport provider, you should contact them directly. You will have been sent their direct contact information in the quote acceptance email. However, if you have lost this they can also be found via My Shiply, follow these steps:
1) Login at:
2) Click on the "View contact details" button under the delivery request in question.
If despite trying to contact the transport provider directly, you do not get a response after a reasonable period of time please contact Shiply customer service who will be happy to assist.